
Thursday 16 January 2014

Something other than Quilting...

Yesterday I got online to find a new crafty tutorial on one of my favourite blogs:

Jen from Epbot is my hero. She is one of my go-to inspirations for Steampunk craft ideas and I had a major fan-girl moment when she posted a picture of the Steamy quilt I made for my Enabler on her blog.

Basically, it is a tutorial on how to make things looks like they are made of metal plates (using Aluminium tape and some random other bits for texture. Steampunk up your gear!

Looking around I realised I had nearly everything I needed, and I knew where to get the last things I need.

My Enabler is not just into Steampunk, but he has dreams of one day making his own exo-skeleton suit from scratch. For Christmas I gave him a pouch made of robot fabric to keep his doodle/sketch books and pencils safe and together.


Project, plus recipient acquired! When he gets home tonight I'll surprise him with his new artist's sketch book:

Plain page sketch book with a new cover
Detail shot
I'm not claiming that is project was easy or fun, but this is what my 9yo short critic came up with and did himself:
All his own work.

Someone come confiscate my tape before the coffee table gets a work over too!



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