I have been working on binding Fente (after re-reading some of the books, she is definitely Fente), and man alive I did not make things easy on myself. Even though I made my apple cores quite big, it is a sharp corner on each turn of the edge of this quilt.
Just to make life more fun, I have gone with putting in a ric-rac peeper along the binding. This means that after you make the binding, you have to tack the ric-rac along the raw edge of the binding in just the right place so that when you sew it to the quilt juuuuussst the right amount of ric-rac pokes through, then you have to make sure you sew your binding on with the right seam allowance so your don't completely screw up all your hard work.
Ric-rac basted to the edge of my binding |
I'm using 7 times as many pins as I ever use pinning the binding down to sew it! And helper #1 IS NOT HELPING. He has decided that the best thing to do on a cold winter afternoon is to hide under the quilt I am trying to pin and attack my fingers until I let go of it enough that he can roll over in his nest, rolling it off the side of the table, and this is the view I get under the table:
He has done this to me more than once.... |
But doesn't it look fabulous?