
Monday, 19 August 2013

Wee bit M.I.A.

I know I have been very slack in the last month or two keeping this blog updated - I'm really sorry!

Things have been haywire with lots of big things happening.

Both little things in the house have been sick too which makes getting progress on the big things just that little bit harder too.  So what is news that I can share?

Well, in a word - LOTS!

One of the most important to me is a project I hoped to start a long time ago. I finally got my clearance to join a fabulous group of ladies that I have respected and admired for a long time. Our mighty leader even appeared in the local rag recently: Stitched-up inmates quilty as charged

I can't wait to get back in there to see what the ladies have managed to achieve since my last visit. I would dearly love to be able to go weekly, but that is not going to happen with a young family and other commitments .

Remember this?
Going Dotty 1 - Now living with her new owner in Auckland

Well it has been the main reason I have been missing in action here.

A new quilt shop opened recently reasonably close by. This is a branch of a gorgeous shop in Levin that I LOVE, so I decided to be a bit cheeky. I have been chatting with the lovely Ms L and now have my first proper paid teaching job. I had to re-create my dotty quilt as a store sample. So next month I will be teaching a 4-week class.
Going Dotty #2, mmmm love Japanese Indigos!

Going Dotty is for confident beginner/intermediate level quilters, Starting Monday 7th October for 4 weeks, held at QuiltWorks in Lower Hutt.

I have now finished my entry for the Wellington Quilting Guild challenge, but still can't show that until after out October meeting, and now that the big project is finished I can get back to doing things for me.

Next time I should have lots of photos of bits and pieces to share, instead of bits and pieces to right after Helper #2 has been at them!

But this is how they belong Mum!
