
Monday, 15 July 2013

Progress report for July

I got very little done during June - It is the middle of the coldest wettest windiest winter that Wellington has had in years and you know what that means - Flu season!! Add to that critic #1 breaking their arm and critic #2 having a birthday, I was a busy little housework bunny (BOO HISS).

Not many pictures this month either as a couple of projects are a bit secret squirrel at the moment.

Finishes (3)

Greek Candy Pops Throw. Done. Just stitching down the binding.  I can't post pics of this yet as I need to bind it, then get the pattern finished. It is soooo close to being up for sale and then I can get stuck into the next pattern...

Colour Me Dotty QAYG lap quilt with my stitchy Saturday ladies.  I had a fantastic reaction to this one when I took it to guild.  I had a collective "oooh" from the ladies and was fair mobbed by curious quilters afterwards. A couple would really like me to teach them properly how to make it after symposium which I am quite excited about. Hopefully that will add another little notch to my bow. I am considering trying to convince a local quilt shop to let me at their students to teach it too, just have to check a few wee details first. I can't post a finished picture yet as it will be going to a new home soon. But that does mean I must remake the pattern (like, yesterday) so I can keep one for me - hopefully as a class sample.

2013 Guild challenge. All done and dusted! Weehee I'm ahead of the game for this one, just need to get the entry form filled out and I have a month and a half to do that. Again, shhhh secret squirrel so no final pics yet :(

WIPs (3)
Home is Where the Heart is wall hanging. I'm back with little squares. I have half of this one pieced now. It will be the next pattern for my Etsy store after the throw.

Table dreams. One setting block done, one to go. Then I can get it all pieced together. Can't wait to start quilting this baby.

AQS Competition. Just need to get a good photo of me to send off for the entry form and that one is in the machine, gears turning.

New Projects and ideas (1)

I have been doing lots of doodling and have pulled some back-of-the-mind-percolating ideas out for ideas. The time has come for a few of them to become a reality, and then become a pattern.

To make up for a lack of stitchy photos, have one of opening presents birthday chaos:
Oooooh Shinies!